Jam of the Day | The Joy Formidable – Whirring

I recently heard The Joy Formidable, and our Jam of the Day “Whirring,” described as being hit in the face with a heavy sack of sugar. After listening, I would have to concur, and understanding the statement now, consider it an actual compliment for the Welsh group. And that’s coming from a dude who was born sans-sweet tooth. Sorry, southern sweet tea lovers.

“Whirring” comes at you out of nowhere. The song’s mid-tempo guitar/drum driven beginning lulls you into thinking it’s just another sweet/girly poppy-rock tune. But out of nowhere, that 3 lb. bag of Dixie Crystals hits your ass and suddenly you’re caught up in something that makes you want to bounce up and down and fist pump.

Don’t believe me – take the Speakers in Code challenge by getting the MP3 below for the cheap penance of your birthdate and email handle.

And if you like it, go pick up the recently released EP titled A Balloon Called Moaning. You can thank me later.

Sharing is caring!

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